A few weeks ago I posted a summary of news and information about the Vergara case, here in California. This post will continue that process, with more recent articles about teacher tenure in general as well as the Vergara case.
- TeCher tenure has little to do with student achievement (9/10/14): www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2014/09/10/teacher-tenure-has-little-to-do-with-student-achievement-economist-says/
- Tenure gives teachers freedom to teach – www.sfgate.com/opinion/article/Tenure-gives-teachers-freedom-to-teach-5599203.php
- Lloyd Loftus on the Vergara Ruling (posted/reposted on Diane Ravitch’s blog) – dianeravitch.net/2014/08/09/lloyd-lofthouse-on-the-vergara-ruling/
- So you think teacher tenure is a bad thing – about Whoopi Goldberg’s recent rant – www.dailykos.com/story/2014/08/07/1319793/-So-You-Think-Tenure-Is-A-Bad-Thing
And there’s a lot of news about Whoopi’s rant:- Whoopi’s “view” on teacher tenure – EdWeek, 8/6/2014 – blogs.edweek.org/edweek/education_and_the_media/2014/08/whoopis_view_on_teacher_tenure.html
- An open letter to Whoopi Goldberg and “The View” regarding teacher tenure – Huff Post, 8/8/2014 – www.huffingtonpost.com/m-shannon-hernandez/the-view-teacher-tenure_b_5661200.html
- Making Whoopi: Missing the point on teacher tenure – Big Education Ape 8/9/2014 – bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2014/08/whoopi-goldberg-tenure-controversy.html
- Whoopi Goldberg gets taken to school on teacher tenure – Daniel Katz 8/5/2014 – danielskatz.net/2014/08/05/whoopi-goldberg-gets-taken-to-school-on-tenure/
- Join the crowd: Whoopi Goldberg bristles at being labeled a ‘teacher hater’ – EAGNews 8/6/2014 – eagnews.org/whoopi-goldberg-bristles-at-being-labeled-a-teacher-hater/
- Connect the dots: Whoopi, Ari and Rahm Emanuel, destruction of public education, teacher tenure – Reclaim REform 8/10/2014 – reclaimreform.com/2014/08/10/connect-the-dots-whoopi-ari-and-rahm-emanuel-destruction-of-public-education-ending-tenure/
- Vergara v. California Highlights the Need for a Teacher-Powered Educational Strategy (9/11/14) hechingerreport.org/content/vergara-v-california-highlights-need-teacher-powered-educational-strategy_17300/
Last Updated on September 16, 2014