Category Archives: Technology

Web Design Using WordPress

I am so very busy in my new job (Academic Coordinator, comparable to Ass’t. Principal) at E. A. Hall MS, I really should not add more to my plate… but I am a fool and I can’t resist, so I am teaching a 1 day/week class in the after school program, on Web Design Using WordPress.

I’ll post updates on the class at my own web design website,, but figured I’d post this “life update” here as well.

February 2015 Update: Well, I had the best intentions, but the class just didn’t fly… A few kids were interested, but it was a lot harder for them than I expected, and they lost interest, so it was like pulling teeth trying to get them to actually do the work and build out their sites… There are now a couple dozen abandoned sites at… Oh well…

Change number of (WordPress) Media Library items shown per page

If you have lots (like hundreds) of images or other files in your WP Media Library, you can change the number of items shown per page view. There are plugins that can help, but a simple hack is to change the “media_per_page” variable. I learned this trick in an old post in the support forum; updates have moved the line in question from line 999 to line 932.

You need to use FTP to download, edit and re-upload post.php (wp-admin/includes/); post.php is not a file accessible through the WP editor tool.